Community Information Material For The Resettled in the USA: In English and Sgaw Karen Languages

All materials below are available to download and include both the English and Sgaw Karen Text. These were developed by the Community Education Department of Worthington Minnesota, USA with many of the documents being based on the materials of the Parent Institute for Quality Education Program in California. The Karen Translation was done by the Drum Publication Group. For additional information please contact Drum.

Emergency Situations
Emergency Calls (911) : A flyer telling what you should and shouldn't do when you call 911 (Emergency Services)
Preparing for Dangerous Weather : A brochure with informations on what to do and how to prepare for extreme weather such as tornados, flash floods, etc.

Is Homeownership Right for You? : A flyer exploring the pros and cons of homeownership
Buying a Home : A small handout outlining the steps to buying a home

A series of lessions on parent involvement in their children's education. Materials based on the Parent Institute for Quality Education Program in California
Lesson 1 : Home-School Collaboration
Lesson 2 : Home, Motivation and Self-Esteem
Lesson 3 : Communication and Discipline
Lesson 4 : Academic Standards
Lesson 5 : How the School System Functions – Elementary
Lesson 6 : The Road to College

ESL Report Card : An example of a student report card for ESL classes

Laws and Regulations
City Ordinances : A small brochure of the state laws and city ordinances of Worthington, Minnesota USA